5 - Wrap Up and Reflections
We've now reached the end of this platform's content, and with that, covered most of the key knowledge that I've picked up over the course of this year. Today I want to wrap it all up by recapping the subjects that we've covered and reasserting the major points from each. Finally, I want to finish by comparing some work that I produced at the start of this academic year (when I was completely new to digital art), to some of the stuff that I produced towards the backend of the year, which might include work shown on this blog. I'm not expecting to show some sort of inconceivable leap, as a year isn't that much time in the grand scheme of things when it comes to learning art. However, I do hope that we'll at least see some notable improvement. Blog Summary Chapter 1 - For the first part of this blog, we started real simple with an explanation of what concept actually is. My hope is that this was an easy entry for anyone that was completely new and had very li...