Introducing My MA Project: Pep Talks For The Beginner Concept Artist
Introduction The world of concept art is a daunting one, and one that can prove very difficult to break into - or even know where to start. My name is Laurie and this summer I'll be graduating in MA Games Design, with my specialism being concept art. This term, I will be moving away from my Near Eastern concept project (which you can check out over on my other blog at I will instead be starting this new blog to create a platform through which aspiring concept artists like myself can hopefully learn a thing or two about the big, bad world of concept art in the games industry. My aim is to disseminate to other beginners the knowledge that I have acquired throughout my MA course, in a clear and digestible way. Why? I came into this course completely fresh - I had just finished a degree in Ancient History and really had no actual understanding of concept art, other than knowing I had an interest in trying it. Given where I started,...